
Bakhooun School PV


An agreement is under signature between LSES and UNDP to implement PV Solar system with battery storage system at Bakhoun Technical School. LSES will have 40 000, 00 $ to complete this project.

Project will be launched in November 2021 and the opening is planned on June 2022 (7 months duration)



The Problem: In Bakhoun, a northern Lebanese village, 900 students are at risk of dropping out of school as their only educational facility in the area can no longer sustain itself in terms of electricity and power generation. The school closure is preventable if sustainable and long term measures are urgently implemented.


  • The School and its conditions: The schooling conditions in the Bakhoun Technical School are deteriorating due to the shortage in power supply. The school that runs two shifts has a high electricity demand and, in parallel, faces excessive blackouts, high diesel cost, shortage of diesel, and high maintenance cost, in addition to sound and air pollution caused by the diesel generators.  


  • A community problem requires a community led solution: the inability of generating energy to sustain an educational facility is resulting in practical classes being cancelled. Children are spending excessive time in the playground and less time in the classrooms, the quality of education is degrading, the risk of drop outs is increasing, and the constant exposure to air pollution is putting the health of children at risk. The problem is a community scale one, therefore, it has to have a community led solution.


  • The ‘’everyone is a winner’’ solution: LSES, in collaboration with UNDP Cedro5, project are offering their expertise and knowledge in designing and implementing energy and environmental solutions. The objective is to supply and install a small-scale Solar Photovoltaic power plant consisting of a Photovoltaic generator, inverter, fuel save controller, data logger, and auxiliary equipment at the Bakhoun School and provide training for the school management for the operation and maintenance of the installed system. 


  • Four years, we break even and we give the environment a break: The project that will cost USD 20,000 and the proposed Photovoltaic system capacity of 18 KWp will cover around 60% of the power consumption and reduce around 16 tons of CO2 emissions per year. The estimated annual savings are around USD 4600 which would pay back the initial cost in around four years.


  • Investment in sustainability is investing in the future: When implemented, this project will serve as a model for the design and management of small-scale Photovoltaic projects. Residents of Bakhoun and nearby municipalities will consider this project as a pilot action to be replicated in view of developing more green energy technology resources in the region.




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