Mobile Awareness Raising Platform

The ECOTRUCK is the first renewable energy educational vehicle in the Middle East aiming at providing learning material and illustrative tools as well as demo products to educate students on the different uses and applications of renewable energy. 

The ECOTRUCK  is equipped with a solar water heater, a complete solar PV system and a demonstration wind turbine, all mounted to the roof.
Inside the truck are the inverter, storage system, biomass stove, learning kits and measurement equipment, in addition to audiovisual tools and additional accessories. 

The ECOTRUCK is fueled to tour over the Lebanese territories, visiting academic institutions and demonstrating a selection of Renewable Energy applications and learning material. 

The ECOTRUCK is ready to visit your institution with a highly skilled team and well-presented educational material. If you wish to have the ECOTRUCK visit your institution, please fill in the form below and submit it, or email us at: [email protected] and LSES representatives will contact you soon. 

More Information

Book The Eco-Truck