Engineering Students Final Year Project Renewable Energy Contest 2024
Awards Ceremony Order of Engineers and Architects in Beirut, within the Mechanical Week 2024 organized by the 4th branch.
1st Prize: USJ - ESIB
2nd Prize: LAU
3rd Prize: ULFG II
Engineering Students Final Year Project Renewable Energy Contest 2024
Awards Ceremony Order of Engineers and Architects in Beirut, within the Mechanical Week 2024 organized by the 4th branch.
1st Prize: USJ - ESIB
2nd Prize: LAU
3rd Prize: ULFG II
LSES members End of Year Gathering at Smallville Hotel, Beirut
The ECOTRUCK project funded by ICU aimed to raise awareness among students as well as instructors about pollution reduction, water conservation, energy efficiency, and the use of Renewable Energy Technologies.
First Phase: ECOTRUCK visits to public schools.
The first part of the project, involved six ECOTRUCK trips to eight distinct public schools
A committee composed of LSES members developed two PowerPoint presentations:
- Level 1 presentation for students in grades 7 through 9 who are between the ages of 12 and 15
- Level 2 presentation for secondary school students who are at least sixteen years old.
Student Reactions and Feedback
Here’s a summary of our experience and student reactions during the trips:
Student Reactions
Second Phase: instructors and health educators and health coordinators, online sessions
The project's second phase focused on health educators in addition to teachers in schools.
According to the terms of the contract, 40 instructors from the eight concerned schools were expected to participate in the online sessions: therefore, a maximum of 4 teachers could attend in addition to the health instructor (as requested by the ministry).
In conclusion, each and everyone who attended the sessions - students, school administrators, teachers, health educators, coordinators, and MEHE representatives — provided positive feedback. They all requested that all of the sessions be held again for a larger number of people and institutions in the academic year 2024–2025, given that it was a true success.
ضمن إطار جهودها الساعية إلى المساهمة في انخراط طلاب الجامعات اللبنانيّة في سوق العمل لا سيّما في مجال الطاقة الشمسيّة والطاقة المتجددة، وقّعت الجمعيّة اللبنانية للطاقة الشمسيّة LSES مذكرة تفاهم مع جامعة الروح القدس- الكسليك خلال حفل أقيم في حرم الجامعة تخللته زيارة لمركز ترميم المخطوطات الدينيّة القديمة.
وقّع عن جانب الجمعيّة رئيسها المهندس وليد البابا في حضور امين السرّ المهندس يوسف غنطوس، وعن جانب الجامعة عميد كليّة الهندسة الدكتور جوزيف أسد، في حضور رئيس قسم الهندسة الكهربائيّة في الجمامعة الدكتور بشارة نعمة.
وقد تضمّنت مذكرة التفاهم عدداً من البنود شملت تبادل الخبرات، مساعدة الطلاب ذوي الكفاءات في المشاركة دورات تدريبيّة تنظمها الجمعيّة، أو حتى تأمين فرص عمل لهؤلاء الطلاب في إحدى الشركات المنتسبة إلى الجمعيّة.
وكذلك ستقوم الجمعية اللبنانية للطاقة الشمسيّة وبحسب الاتفاق بدعم مشاريع ذات صلة بالطاقة الشمسيّة يقوم بها طلاب الجامعة. ويمكن أيضاً للجمعية أن تنتدب وبموافقة الجامعة أعضاء ومهندسين للقيام بمحاضرات عن الطاقة الشمسية والطاقة المتجددّة بحسب حاجة الجامعة وطلبها. على أن يقوم الطرفان بالترويج كل لنشاطات الآخر عبر منصات التواصل الاجتماعي والمواقع الالكترونيّة التابعة لها باسسنثناء تلك التي تحمل الطابع الدعائي.
On Wednesday, January 30, LSES had its General Assembly, during which a new board was elected:
Jean Paul Sfeir: president,
Ramzi Abi Said: vice president,
Youssef Ghantous: Secretary General,
Walid El Baba: Treasurer,
Ziad Daou: Accountant
PR: Ahmad houri,
Members: ziad Doumit, Wissam Daou, Mohammad Dayeh, Simon Gerges and Bechara Nehmeh.
Best of luck on your future endeavors and congratulations on the new LSES board.
The project, with a very simple idea and approach without sophisticated technical innovation aspect, consisted in providing the supply and proper operation of 26 portable solar power packs of capacity 1000 Watts with Battery for partial sustainable energy alternative solution using clean energy source (PV solar) to meet urgent local needs of low income families houses, half of the units to be delivered to apartments affected by the explosion of Beirut port, the other half to apartments in Beirut suburbs mainly in marginalized areas .
The project aimed to reduce social and energy poverty by reducing electric bills of beneficiaries and familiarize those families to use sustainable energy source and be aware of solar applications and climate change effects. It aims to limit the effects of the energy starvation on the most vulnerable families which would affect the education of their children, the domestic day to day use of the families including lighting, internet, and refrigerators.
The Solar Power pack will remain the possession of LSES under a “Free Leasing “contract, allowing to control its traceability, proper operation as well as the good use and durable maintenance.
The beneficiaries have been selected according to a specific questionnaire
In addition to the above, the project contributed in engaging the community through following actions:
The duration of the project was of 11 months.
During 4 to 5 months of operation regular technical visits were planned for data collections in order to establish an evaluation document for the future.
This project has also served as a demonstration tool for encouraging the replication of this type of portable packs, with various capacities, at a larger scale within residential buildings all over Lebanon
By implementing such demonstration project in those selected apartments, the use of sustainable solar energy through the energy pack will be:
After receiving the green light for the grant in 2022 the contract was signed mid-January 2023 between LSES and Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Program (SGP) Lebanon implemented by UNDP.
Works were launched under the supervision of Mr. Adnan Melki as national coordinator from UNOPS for all day-to-day matters, and LSES Engineer Ziad Doumit as project manager.