
The ECOTRUCK project funded by ICU aimed to raise awareness among students as well as instructors about pollution reduction, water conservation, energy efficiency, and the use of Renewable Energy Technologies.

First Phase: ECOTRUCK visits to public schools.

The first part of the project,  involved six ECOTRUCK trips to eight distinct public schools

A committee composed of LSES members developed two PowerPoint presentations:
- Level 1 presentation for students in grades 7 through 9 who are between the ages of 12 and 15 
- Level 2 presentation for secondary school students who are at least sixteen years old.     

Student Reactions and Feedback

  Here’s a summary of our experience and student reactions during the trips:

Student Reactions

  1. Engagement and Curiosity:
    • Students were actively engaged during the EcoTruck presentation.
    • They asked insightful questions about renewable energy and environmental conservation.
  2. Interactive Demonstrations:
    • The hands-on demonstrations (e.g., solar panels, wind turbines) captured students’ interest.
    • Many students participated in the activities with enthusiasm.
  3. Impactful Campaigns:
    • The awareness campaigns resonated with students.
    • They expressed a commitment to making positive changes in their daily lives.


Second Phase: instructors and health educators and health coordinators, online sessions

The project's second phase focused on health educators in addition to teachers in schools.

According to the terms of the contract, 40 instructors from the eight concerned schools were expected to participate in the online sessions: therefore, a maximum of 4 teachers could attend in addition to the health instructor (as requested by the ministry).

In conclusion, each and everyone who attended the sessions - students, school administrators, teachers, health educators, coordinators, and MEHE representatives — provided positive feedback. They all requested that all of the sessions be held again for a larger number of people and institutions in the academic year 2024–2025, given that it was a true success.

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